Event Summary

US Leadership on Responsible Business: The Launch of the US Government’s National Action Plan on Responsible Business Conduct

Launch of the U.S. Government’s National Action Plan on Responsible Business Conduct

March 25, 2024
Hosted by Georgetown University Law Center
Washington DC


Georgetown Law Center and the U.S. Department of State cordially invite you to the launch of the U.S. Government’s National Action Plan on Responsible Business Conduct. The event will feature discussions around key priorities addressed in the National Action Plan, including strengthening access to remedy and protecting workers’ rights, as well as a broader discussion on government approaches to strengthening business respect for human rights. The event will feature keynote remarks by Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose Fernandez. It will also include a panel discussion with other U.S. senior officials from across government, including the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Treasury, Department of Labor, Department of State, and other stakeholders involved in the National Action Plan process. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/us-leadership-on-responsible-business tickets-859648701407?aff=oddtdtcreator.


Elisa Massimino, Executive Director and Professor, Human Rights Institute at Georgetown Law
Jennifer Hillman, Co-Director and Professor from Practice, Center on Inclusive Trade and Development
JJ Rosenbaum (TBC), Executive Director, Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum
David Sullivan, U.S. National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct
Jeffrey Baker, Director, Office of MDB Development Results and Accountability, Treasury
Stephanie Amoako, Interim Policy Director, Accountability Counsel
Amy Lehr, Assistant General Counsel for Human Rights and Sustainability at Mars
Kelly Fay Rodriguez, Special Representative for International Labor Affairs, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Department of State
Michelle Strucke, Director, Human Rights Initiative, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Meg Roggensack, Executive Officer, Business and Human Rights Lawyers’ Association (BHRLA); GULC
Isabelle Glimcher, Associate, Debevoise and Plimpton, LLC
Porter Glock, Procurement Analyst, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, OMB
Molly McCoy, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Labor Affairs
Eric Gottwald, Policy Specialist, Trade and Economic Globalization, AFL-CIO
Komala Ramachandra, Head of Responsible Sourcing, Human Rights and Gender, the Gap
Sarah Altschuller, Director ESG and Global Head BHR, Verizon
Whitney Baird, President, and CEO, USCIB
Irit Tamir, Director, Private Sector Department, Oxfam
Maria Goodman, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, DHS
Emily Holland, Counsel, Simpson Thacher - Jose W.

Event Resources

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