Special Institute on Human Rights, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
Bring together leading experts from resource companies, external advisors, academia, government, and civil society to address the practical implications of trends in corporate human rights risk.
This special institute, only the second of its kind, will bring together leading experts from resource companies, external advisors, academia, government, and civil society to address the practical implications of trends in corporate human rights risk. The structure will be singularly focused on applied insight. Panels will canvas the most challenging emerging issues – from mandatory due diligence legislation and trade sanctions to investor-treaty disputes, the environment-human rights overlap, Indigenous rights, and the just transition. We will also explore the practical contours of these issues in the context of a real-world case study to aid in-house counsel and practitioners in implementing efficient and resilient strategy.

Alex Ritchie, Executive Director, The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law, Broomfield, CO
Yousuf Aftab, Program Co-Chair, Director, A2, Brooklyn, NY
Connie Rogers, Program Co-Chair, Principal, All-Terrain Law, LLC, Littleton, CO
Lina Lorenzoni Escobar, Program Co-Chair, Assistant, Professor of International Law Department, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia
Douglass Cassel, Counsel at King & Spalding, New York, NY
Erika George, Samuel D. Thurman Professor of Law, University of Utah College of Law, Salt Lake City, UT
Noah Novogrodsky, Moderator, Carl M. Williams Professor of Law and Ethics, University of Wyoming College of Law, Laramie, WY
Sophie J. Lamb, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP, London, England - Natalie L. Reid, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, New York, NY
Humberto Cantú Rivera, Professor, School of Law and Social Sciences, University of Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Siobhan Mcinerney-Lanford, Head of Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna, Austria
Kindra Mohr, Associate Director and Global Lead for Finance and Human Rights, BSR, New York, NY
Jonathan C. Drimmer, Moderator, Partner, Paul Hastings, Washington, DC
Lina Lorenzoni Escobar, Assistant Professor of International Law Department, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia Compton
Jonnathan Osorio, Corporate Manager, Antioquia Gold Company, Santo Domingo, Colombia
Sharon G.K. Singh, Partner, Bennett Jones, Vancouver, BC
Emilie Bundock, Partner, Fasken, Montreal, Quebec
Rebecca Darling, Group Head of Social Performance, Newmont Corporation, Denver, CO
Céline Da Graça Pires, Research Associate and PhD Candidate, NOVA Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment, Paris, France
Stephanie Collins, Associate, Gibson Dunn, London, United Kingdom
Steven G. Frankel, Partner, Davies, Toronto, Ontario - Mark Wielga, Director, NomoGaia, Denver, CO
Cherie Brant, Partner and National Leader, Indigenous Law, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Toronto, Ontario
Sebastian Donosa, Partner, Sebastian Donoso & Asociados, Santiago, Chile
Nawi Ukabiala, Moderator, Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton, New York, NY
Chris Albin-Lackey, Director of Programs, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, New York, NY
Catalina Vallejo Piedrahita, Professor of International Law, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia
Tran Che, Executive Human Rights and ESG Leader, GE Vernova, Philadelphia, PA
Joshua Kagan, Special Counsel, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, Washington, DC
Daniel Mule, Policy and Program Manager, Just Energy Transition and Extractives, Oxfam, Washington, DC
Diego Mesa Puyo, Former Minister of Mines and Energy of Columbia; Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy, New York, NY
Manuel Hosé Barros, Partner, Carey, Santiago, Chile - Andrew Irvine, Legal & Corporate Engagement Director, EITI, Oslo, Norway
Meg Roggensack, Executive Officer, Business and Human Rights Lawyers Association, Washington D.C.
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Video Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore