Event Summary

Evolving Professional Legal Standards: the IBA Updated Guidance Note on Business and Human Rights

Roundtable discusses evolving legal standards, UNGPs, and lawyers’ responsibilities in human rights and climate impact.

27 November 2025
Co-hosted by BHRLA, IBA BHR Committee, and Lalive

In Person

There is growing recognition that the UN Guiding Principles and related human rights standards - both soft and hard law - are relevant both to the law firm as a business as well as to the advice and services rendered by lawyers to companies. As the American Bar Association House of Delegates resolution 609, adopted August 2024, provides, lawyers and law firms should “avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts in representing business clients.” Relatedly, the Law Society of England and Wales has issued guidance on climate change, urging lawyers during their representation to consider the likely impact on the climate crisis, in a way compatible with professional duties and the administration of justice. This breakfast roundtable brings together practitioners from several jurisdictions to consider evolving professional standards and implications for the role of lawyers and law firm management.

Stephane Brabant, Chair of the IBA Core Drafting Committee
Anton Vallélian, Counsel at Lalive - Rae Lindsay, Partner at Clifford Chance
Yusuke Yukawa, Partner at Nishimura & Asahi
Elise Groulx, 9 Bedford Row Chambers
Helene Bogen, Managing Associate at Wiersholm

Event Resources

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